Ask Yourself One Question

Ken West
2 min readOct 1, 2019


Your answer is vital to you happiness

Photo by Ken West

Your job is to maximize your life.

That means doing the things that bring you the most value, satisfaction, and long range impact.

This is vital for both for you and for those you love.

Your happiness in life deserves nothing less.

Perhaps you already know what you need to do to achieve the best life possible.

But, if you’re like me, most likely you don’t.

This morning as I wrote in my journal, I asked myself what I wanted and needed to do with the rest of my life.

I didn’t have an immediate answer.

Lately, I’ve found myself in a new and unexpected phase of life — one in which my old ambitions fail to motivate me. (Truth be told, I’m 73-years-old, but still young in outlook and passion.)

You may be young or old.

Doesn’t matter.

What matters is what YOU want to do with whatever time you have left on this planet of possibility we call Earth.

Planet Earth — Day and Night

So, here’s the question:

When, where, with whom, how, and why do I feel most alive?

That’s a vital question to ask — and ANSWER — if you want to “maximize” your life.

Go ahead… Ask yourself that question.

Write down the times, places, people, situations and experiences when you found yourself to be most alive.

Do it now.

Take your time.

You may need to continue to think about this during the day.

Write down what comes to you.

Once you’ve compiled your answers (whether it’s just a few or a hundred and one things) look for the common threads that run through your list.

This can act as your internal compass, pointing toward your “true north” — that area of endeavor where you come alive.

It’s not the only question you may need to ask and answer.

But, it’s a good beginning.

I look forward to sharing with you what seems to work for me — and what I hope will help you in your quest for the best life possible.

A final thought for today…

“Your vision of where or who you want to be is the greatest asset you have.” — Paul Arden

How can you accelerate your passion, purpose, and talents? That’s our focus.

Ken West, a former U.S. Army Paratrooper, is the author of Get What You Want, republished as Achieve Your Purpose.



Ken West
Ken West

Written by Ken West

Think for Yourself. Stay Free. Trust Yourself.

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