ChatGPT… benign as the family dog… unless it gets angry or hallucinates.
It came at night, lurking along the nooks and crannies of the internet.
It absorbed all known content and held it in reserve.
It learned how to organize content logically and grammatically.
It is as smart as a human encyclopedia.
But It isn’t an Einstein. Although it can regurgitate his theories in a way you and I could understand.
ChatGPT is here and ready to rock!
It’s like having a talented and super smart manservant who answers your every question.
It can give you advice from A to Z.
It can mimic your style if you ask it to.
It could take the place of your own thinking if you’re not careful.
Yet it’s as benign as the family dog… unless it gets angry or hallucinates. Then, It could bite you in the virtual ass.
It could even bite you in your actual ass if hooked up to a robot dog.
It could take over a world that lost its creativity.
Use it wisely, my friends, and stay creative!
Meanwhile, some news…