Rediscover Your Soul
Once upon a time there was a central point of light that was your core, your self, your soul.
From that sharp, bright and powerful light you sprang, ready to do whatever you intended to do.
But then you met resistance from those who didn’t understand the light and were afraid that you’d outshine their precepts of the world.
So they taught you to block your light, to deflect it, to send it back from where it came.
They taught you (and you taught yourself) to be concerned with the light of others — to want to be in their glow, their spotlight, their view.
Your goal became to please them, to get their approval.
You forgot that your own light — the hidden core of your being — was the only spotlight and searchlight you needed to succeed at the game of life.
You forgot how to direct that light on what you wanted.
Life went on.
You learned to further block, misdirect, and ignore the light that was you.
But now you know what happened.
What can you do about it?
Your job is to uncover, sharpen, focus and direct your light on what is most important to you.
If it’s honorable, honest, moral, and isn’t primarily focused on the approval of others, then exploit your light.
Let it shine as bright as you dare.
Be a light.
How can you accelerate your passion, purpose, and talents? That’s our focus.
Ken West is the author of Get What You Want (later republished as Achieve Your Purpose) which presents a process of self-discovery and achievement.
If you need help in your quest to rediscover your true self, you might find a previous Medium post useful. Here’s the link…