There are so many great non-fiction books that can help you sharpen your thinking, broaden your vision, and create a better future. Allow me to suggest five.
Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man by Marshall McLuhan
If you want to know the future of communication, learning, and work, this amazing book published in 1964, is a must. It’s a fascinating read, with some startling observations. McLuhan believed that in the future “Men are suddenly nomadic gatherers of knowledge.” This book helps you gather that knowledge.
Human Action by Ludwig von Mises
The Future is all about the choices we make. There’s a science of choice that you, most likely, have never heard of, outlined in this book. Von Mises is one of the best advocates for Capitalism in the world (next to Ayn Rand). He approaches this subject with the broadest possible panorama as “human action.” If you believe in the power of ideas to shape your future, this book belongs on your bookshelf.
A Criminal History of Mankind by Colin Wilson
What if you wanted to understand the history and psychology of human violence and criminality… and its sobering implications for the future? With such understanding, you’d be able to deal more effectively with the issues of crime and violence in years to come. What if you had an incredibly articulate and knowledgeable professor on this subject at your side? You do, if you can get your hands on this rare and amazing book. I was visiting my attorney son many years ago, and discovered this book on his bookshelf. For the next two days, my head was buried in the book, unavailable for normal conversation. It was impossible to put it down.
Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand by Leonard Peikoff
I popped open a bottle of champagne to celebrate its arrival many years ago! Had waited for it to finally be published. My waiting was over. Peikoff’s book outlines the fundamentals of Objectivism. It’s an essential read, even for those of us who have read Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead, and Rand’s non-fiction books. Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism has the power to change the world. With this book, you gain a source of that power. It may not be the final word on Objectivism, but it’s an important cornerstone.
The Right to Write : An Invitation and Initiation into the Writing Life by Julia Cameron
If you seek a future as a writer, this is the best book I’ve found for rescuing and rekindling your ambition and desire to write. The Right to Write is also beneficial to anyone who has the ambition for a creative career. Cameron’s heartfelt advice throws out a much-needed life-preserver for the writer’s soul. It saved mine! It got me to write again. It can help you too in your future endeavors. Bon Voyage!
There are many classic and new non-fiction books that can help you sharpen your thinking, broaden your vision, and create a better future. Feel free to offer your suggestions, and a brief reason why.
Ken West is the author of Get What You Want, later republished as Achieve Your Purpose. Both editions are available on Amazon.