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11 Classic and Revolutionary Books That Stretch Your Mind and Expand Your Thinking
Certain books can fundamentally expand your thinking and potentially change your life. Here are ten non-fiction works that do just that. None can be accepted on faith. All must be read with an active mind. (There are, of course, many other books that could qualify. Feel free to offer your suggestions in the comments. They may become the subject of future posts.) Let us begin.
The God of the Machine by Isabel Paterson: What if you could understand the essential nature of the United States by analyzing it as if it were a machine? Paterson does this and so much more.
Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word by Walter J. Ong: This book opens a window to the world of “orality,” the time before writing was invented and humans only had the spoken word to communicate. Ong’s research has special relevance to those who speak in the public arena.
Fossil Future: Why Global Human Flourishing Requires More Oil, Coal, and Natural Gas by Alex Epstein: The best book available today on the merits of Fossil Fuels and How Climate catastrophists distort the truth. Also highly recommended is his earlier book, The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels.
The Romantic Manifesto: A Philosophy of Literature by Ayn Rand: What makes great literature great…